About Us



BFS Industry, s.r.o launched its activities in 2013 in Prague as the sister company of BFS Energo, a.s. - acting as a general contractor of power equipment and employing the team of BFS Industry, s.r.o.

We gained experience with the management of projects in the energy sector while fulfilling the role of a general contractor in the construction of two heating plants that utilize biomass (baled straw) with electrical performance of 5.6 and 7.4 MWel and in the course of the reconstruction and conversion of coal-fired heating plant of the output of 20 MWt into a biomass-fired one. We carried out or assisted in the construction of biomass-fuelled power plants burning wood chips, electric boilers for the provision of ancillary services of the transmission system, as a backup source of heat for district heating and implemented many different projects, for example the construction of a gas boiler with a cogeneration unit, heat storages for large scale district heating system, the preparation of other investment projects prior to their implementation.

The ongoing technical support we provide to the operators of these plants gives us valuable feedback. We realized projects in Europe, Asia and Africa for our customers. That is history. That is where we have grown from.

We became a member of the AKU-BAT CZ association in 2024.


We have extensive experience with the power engineering projects from the preparatory stage of the project through the construction stage all the way to its long-term operation. We do not maintain only the technocratic approach, our customers have given us the possibility to understand their needs when obtaining bank financing, contracting fuel and other inputs and ensuring long-term operation of energy assets. We apply our experience to the following power & energy technologies:

  • Ancillary services for transmission system operators (electric boilers, load banks, generators, batteries) 
  • Biomass burning CHP and heating plants 
  • Thermal energy storage 
  • Hydrogen generation (electrolysis) 
  • Natural gas and liquid fuel boilers 
  • Wind and Solar 
  • Water treatment and water management 
  • Other energy infrastructure (NG, steam, hot water, electricity) 

We are familiar with the process of investment construction from both the investor and the general contractor side. We can therefore prepare documentation of high quality for the selection of the contractor for our customers and sponsor the process of creating the technical part of the contractual documentation of the projects.



Effectively manage and implement projects of our customers in all areas of the energy sector.

Monitor changes in the power industry and help our customers to respond to them.

Build long-lasting relationships with our customers based on the high-quality work we performed and opportunities given to us by our customers themselves.

Maintain contact with projects throughout their entire life cycle.



The core of our team is formed by the founders and leading experts of BFS Group.

Currently, our team is made up of twenty engineers. We have specialists from the fields of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering and project management with specialization in the energy and heating sector.